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Unlock your team's potential with our interactive workshops. Designed to spark creativity our sessions are more than just meetings – they're catalysts for real change and innovation. Tailored to your team's specific needs, our workshops provide practical tools and engaging activities that inspire fresh thinking and drive results.
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Our comprehensive programmes are the roadmap to your team's success. Meticulously crafted to align with your strategic goals, these programmes offer a structured approach to strategy, team development, innovation, and culture enhancement. From setting ambitious future directions to strengthening team dynamics, our programmes deliver lasting transformation and measurable outcomes.
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Dive into projects that make a real difference with our hands-on support. We handle a wide array of projects, from expert facilitation to detailed stakeholder research to practical strategy execution. Our aim is simple: to deliver clear, tangible results. We ensure every project is tailored to fit your needs, focusing on practical outcomes and real-world impact.
“Creative Huddle worked with us to decipher the National Space Centre's values. They facilitated group storytelling workshops and created bespoke resources for us. They asked the right questions throughout the whole process, and our team found them very easy to work with. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Creative Huddle. Their input was impartial, insightful and extremely valuable.”
Kersti Fourcin
Communications & Marketing Manager
National Space Centre

Our Values

Our guiding principles that help us decide what we work on and how we go about it.

Trust The Process

We recognise the importance of focusing on an effective approach as much as on an ambitious goal. Creating reliable systems and processes allows us to scale, maintain consistency, measure our effectiveness and refine our approach over time.
  • When creating content, we design it so it can be used again
  • We stick to our process rather than reinventing the wheel
  • We create systems to improve our collaboration and effectiveness
  • Our framework of interchangeable modules and outlines enables us to quickly create tailored services while keeping within our systems and content
  • By keeping dashboards we measure the most important and relevant results for our business

Walk The Talk

It’s the nature of our work to encourage best practices and progressive approaches to business, so it’s important we live up to the standards and behaviours we recommend to our clients and partners. This includes staying true to our values and strategy.
  • If we include something in our workshops and content, it should be something we practice internally as a business
  • We adopt and test practices before including them in our material
  • We stay up to date with the latest and most effective methods from other organisations
  • We sense check major strategy and operational decisions against our values

Learn By Doing

We are committed to continuous learning, growth and improvement. We try new things, measure results, get feedback and apply the learnings. By combining vision with action we prioritise a practical approach, focusing on conversations and projects that aim high and make a clear impact.
  • We run regular trials of new methods and approaches, reporting the results internally and to our external network
  • We make a point of collecting feedback at as many points of contact as possible, to make sure we are learning and improving in all areas
  • We ensure our workshops and services include a high level of practical activity to allow participants to gain hands on experience of concepts and methods
  • We allow regular time for reflection and run frequent retrospectives to review all aspects of our activity

Design For Quality

We take a long-term, high quality approach to developing our products and services. We aim to create our own IP wherever possible, inventing processes and tools that enable clients and partners to achieve a step change in terms of the impact of our work together.
  • We research and benchmark our approach and methods thoroughly against respected, evidence-based sources
  • We don’t accept sticking plaster or workaround approaches - processes and methods are designed to solve problems
  • Based on our real world learnings and unique experiences with clients, we create practical tools that help people solve problems and make tangible progress
  • All aspects of design are considered, so that tools and methods are easily understood and appropriate for diverse thinking styles.

Apply Creativity Exponentially

We take a disruptive approach with products built for purpose. Fresh thinking and doing enables new possibilities; a powerful effect only achieved by leaving our comfort zones as often as we ask this of our clients, to see things from new perspectives.
  • We prioritise innovation, making time and devoting energy to creating new ideas, approaches, opportunities, products and services.
  • We are inclusive in our approach to innovation - ideas are welcome from all team members and stakeholders.
  • We are open to exploring better ways to do everything, even if it means retiring previously successful methods or changing long-established systems.

Better Together

A great team is not just a group of great individuals: how a team works together is more important than who’s on the team. By focusing on close, proactive collaboration and creating a culture of helping we create something that is truly greater than the sum of its parts.
  • We collaborate proactively by asking each other for and offering help often.
  • We use collaborative software to enable team members to contribute and track progress of tasks, projects and goals.
  • We are clear on roles, goals, responsibilities and accountabilities for each team member.
  • We communicate clearly and thoroughly to ensure mutual understanding.
  • We foster and promote psychological safety to enable open communication and risk taking.

Enjoy The Journey

Each day, and each project should be enjoyable, fulfilling and energising. By putting humour and personality into our work, we build lasting relationships and create peak experiences. The creation of a culture and team ethos applies equally to our internal team and our relationships with external clients and partners.
  • We make sure there is room for individual personalities within our work, so we can each bring our own approach while staying within our frameworks and systems.
  • We take time to check in with each other to build relationships and understand team members as human beings.
  • When reviewing a client project, a key measure is: was this project enjoyable and fulfilling for us?
  • We hold regular remote and in-person off-sites to review our work together and co-create future plans.
"Thanks to Creative Huddle for facilitating our Team Tune Up day. The outcomes were very useful in steering the actions we now need to put in place to enhance the business."
Allister Humby
Managing Director

Let's talk

We work on many kinds of projects, for a wide variety of clients, with groups of any size. Get in touch today and find out how we can help.

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