Four tips for everyday creative thinking

In Quartz at Work, Erin Joan Lamberty lists four ways we can practice creativity in our daily lives. By taking regular, small opportunities to develop our creative abilities, we become more capable of taking larger creative leaps.

In Quartz at Work, Erin Joan Lamberty lists four ways we can practice creativity in our daily lives. Lamberty’s argument is that by taking regular, small opportunities to develop our creative abilities, we become more capable of taking larger creative leaps.

The four ways are as follows:

  • Doing: Simply looking at your most mundane tasks, such as deciding what to wear every day, can be opportunities for creativity. Since these are things we have to do every day anyway, we may as well make things interesting by shifting our mindset to a creative one.
  • Adapting: Change existing things to suit you better. An example might be to add extra ingredients to a ready meal, or tweak “off the shelf” products to give them a more personal feel. Lamberty refers to IKEA Hackers as a good example of this approach.
  • Making: This could be something as simple as following a recipe or assembling an IKEA flat-pack. Hands-on activities help us learn how things are made, and can open up a desire to make more things.
  • Creating: We’ve all done this - you get home from work with no real plans for dinner, so you root around in the fridge for several random ingredients. 20 minutes later you’ve created a minor masterpiece. Or, maybe you’ve created something truly terrible - whatever the outcome, you’ve learned something by getting creatively engaged with your ingredients.

Read more in Lamberty’s article, and also in the book Convivial Toolbox by Liz Sanders and Pieter Jan Stappers.

Picture credit: IKEA Hackers

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