Walk The Line

Walk The Line

Participants are invited to form a line, arranging themselves according to a criteria we set. This can be a simple way of mixing up a group e.g. "Line up according to your birthday", or getting a picture of people's views e.g. "Stand towards one end if you are optimistic about the coming year, and the other end if you expect significant challenges."


Collaboration Playbook

Our free Collaboration Playbook features over 20 great ideas for fostering collaboration in your team. This jam-packed guide includes insights from Google, IDEO, Deloitte, Apple and more.


This is an engaging and interactive way to warm up a group, help people make new connections and explore different ideas around a theme.

In Detail

Participants are invited to form a single line from one end of room to another. This can be a simple way of mixing up a group e.g. "Line up according to your birthday." Another method is to start by asking people to line up by height without speaking to each other.This always provokes some fun comparisons and conversations.

Once warmed up, we ask people to line up according to an issue relevant to the theme of the event, for example:

- Stand towards one end if you are optimistic about the coming year, and towards the other end of you are expecting significant challenges

- Stand towards one end if you consider yourself comfortable experimenting with new technologies, and towards the other if you are less confident

We then invite people to form conversations with either those in similar positions to them, or to talk to people who have very different views. The main thing is to provoke some conversations about diversity and difference.

An advanced form is to ask two questions at the same time and guide participants in placing themselves along these axes, as pictured opposite.

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