
Why your team's internal brand matters

To get the best results as a team, it’s not just about how you work together within your team - it's also about how your team works with other teams and stakeholders to achieve shared success for the organisation.

How's your team's brand?

How your team shows up to the rest of the organisation can have a big impact on its results - positive and negative.

Is your team seen as great to work with, or difficult and obtuse?

Does your team get included at the start of key projects, or is it an afterthought?

To get the best results as a team, it’s not just about how you work together within your team - it's also about how your team works with other teams and stakeholders to achieve shared success for the organisation.

It's worth spending some time on this.

Team Brand Upgrade

We've created a new workshop to help teams take the time to look at their place within the wider organisation and consider how they fit and show up as a team.

This is in response to lots of teams we've worked with recently wanting to focus on how they can build their influence with other teams that they depend on to create results.

The workshop helps teams make plans for how they can educate other teams and stakeholders about how they work, their strengths and their goals.

You’ll look at your connections to other teams and discover where there is room to grow those links for greater good, as well as understanding how you can create lasting relationships that will benefit both your team and others.

Aim for a Win-Win with other teams

One exercise, called Win-Win, helps you look at which teams have an important role in the success of your team. These could be:

- teams who need to feed information to your team in order for them to complete their jobs

- teams who you need to work side by side with in order to achieve particular goals or projects

- stakeholders who have a high influence on your team / projects

The exercise helps you consider both sides of the win-win coin. What is your team's role in their success and what is their role in your success? What do you need to do (from their point of view) to help them be successful? What do you need from them in order to be successful?

Take a look at the rest of the exercises in "Team Brand Upgrade".

Team Health Check

Our Team Health Check offers an in-depth analysis of your team's performance in ten areas critical for success.
Learn more
Team Health Check

Let's talk

We work on many kinds of projects, for a wide variety of clients, with groups of any size. Get in touch today and find out how we can help.

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