Adaptive Strategy

Adaptive Strategy

Adaptive strategy recognises that the business environment is constantly evolving, and therefore acknowledges a simple premise: you will be wrong. In the short term, this may cause minor problems, but in the long term, without reflection, it can be catastrophic. We help participants understand how to measure and learn from their strategy, and adapt it when necessary.


SWOT Analysis Guide

Our PDF Guide features a thorough explanation of how to use this tool, with examples and best practices to help you get it right first time.


Adaptive Strategy acknowledges a simple premise: you will be wrong. In the short term, this may cause minor problems, but without reflection, it can be catastrophic in the long term. “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” - Mike Tyson

In Detail

Adaptive strategy is a type of business strategy that involves the ability of a company to adjust and modify its strategy in response to changes in its internal or external environment. It is a flexible approach to strategic planning that allows companies to stay nimble and responsive to changing conditions, rather than sticking to a rigid plan that may become outdated or ineffective over time.

Adaptive strategy recognises that the business environment is constantly evolving, and that companies need to be able to adapt to new opportunities and challenges in order to remain competitive. This may involve changing course midstream, reallocating resources, or even pivoting to a new business model or product line.

An adaptive strategy requires a company to be agile and proactive, with a willingness to experiment and take calculated risks. It also requires a culture of continuous learning and improvement, with a focus on innovation and creativity. By embracing an adaptive strategy, companies can position themselves to capitalise on emerging trends and disruptors, while minimising the impact of potential threats or disruptions.

A customer-centric strategy is adaptive because it involves staying in tune with customers' evolving needs and preferences. This approach requires businesses to be agile and responsive to changes in the market.

Resilience planning is an adaptive strategy that involves preparing for and responding to disruptions and crises. This approach helps organisations be better equipped to manage unexpected events and recover quickly.

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