Making It Happen

Making It Happen

Now we discuss applying everything you've learned into your daily practice. What feels natural? What will need some work? What will make the biggest impact? What learnings and advice will you pass on to others?


Collaboration Playbook

Our free Collaboration Playbook features over 20 great ideas for fostering collaboration in your team. This jam-packed guide includes insights from Google, IDEO, Deloitte, Apple and more.
High Performance


Our workshops are designed with practical outcomes in mind, so we encourage participants to think about how they will apply learnings while the content is still fresh. Ideally we're looking for something tangible, that can be added to a to-do list.

In Detail

Research suggests that people who spend the last 15 minutes of a training session writing and reflecting on what they have learned recall 23% more than others. "Learning by doing" is more effective when coupled with deliberate reflection, or "learning by thinking", according to the research.

Our workshops are designed with practical outcomes in mind, so we encourage participants to think about how they will apply what they have learned while the content is still fresh. Ideally we're looking for something tangible, that can be added to a to-do list.

Read more here:

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