Purpose & Place

Purpose & Place

The group work individually and together to develop and understand their team purpose. They’ll then pair up with others, compare what they’ve written and create a new purpose statement that combines both of their points of view.


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Each team member is on the same page as to the purpose of the team and its place within the wider organisation and is able to clearly communicate it to others.

In Detail

Working individually, each team member will write down what they see as the purpose of the team. They’ll then pair up with someone else, compare what they’ve written and create a new purpose statement that combines both of their points of view.

Each pair will then join up with another, forming a group of 4 to repeat the exercise again. Each iteration refines the purpose and brings more people together in their thinking.

The final round will be each group of 4 sharing their purpose statement with the whole team and then working as a team to bring all the statements together to form a single team purpose statement.

Your team may have a clear purpose already, in which case this exercise will make sure everyone understands and aligns to it with a statement they can easily communicate to others.

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