Problem Swap

Problem Swap

Innovation Skills
30 minutes

Participants think of a current problem they are experiencing in their work. They then pair with another participant and swap problems. How would each solve the other’s problem?


Research shows that swapping problems is a highly productive method of discovering new insights and solutions. We can get new perspectives and novel solutions by seeing how others might respond to our issue.
In Detail

Research shows that swapping problems is a highly productive method of discovering new insights and solutions.

Firstly, there's the benefit of talking to someone else about your problems - your brain and body get a lot out of talking.

Secondly, your problem might be easily solved by someone else just because of their “psychological distance” from it.

In running this activity, we have participants think of a current problem they are experiencing in their work. They then pair with another participant and swap problems.

How would each solve the other’s problem?


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