Define Your Values Programme


Create your organisation's core values, together.

A comprehensive programme to create a set of organisational values, behaviours and actions. Includes interactive workshops, survey, toolkit and report.
  • Understand the components of useful, meaningful organisational values, and how to use them to drive change and success
  • Include your wider team in the process with a survey, before working with a diverse core team to create a set of values to suit your organisation
  • Define behaviours and actions for each value, and make plans for rolling out and embedding the values across your workforce

Programme Components

Our structured approach means that each step builds on the last, ensuring a comprehensive development process.
Core Values Talkshop

What are values? What do they help individuals, teams and organisations achieve? This engaging online session helps your team and organisation to get the most from the programme.

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Core Values Survey

We'll work with you to send a ten-question survey to a wide selection of your workforce. The survey aims to surface key themes and drivers that reveal the various factors likely to contribute to your organisation's values.

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Survey Report

We'll collate and summarise the results from the Core Values Survey into a report, highlighting key themes. Expect useful insights, aha! moments and practical next steps.

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Survey Results Workshop

Unpack your survey results in a hands-on workshop, where your core team collaborates to dissect data, spot key themes and potential values.

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Define Your Values Workshop

In this workshop, your core team comes together to create the values, behaviours and actions for your organisation. Using tools and exercises from our Define Your Values Toolkit, we'll craft value statements, descriptions and guidelines. Finally we'll decide and agree action steps for rolling out the values to the wider organisation.

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Core Values Report & Deck

We'll work with you to create a fully documented set of your values, in your company branding, with guidance for implementation, rollout and measurement. Includes guidance for leaders and managers to role-model and encourage values within their teams, with a slide deck for them to use in team meetings. The report also includes recommendations for using values across the organisation, including performance management, recruitment, stakeholder and customer communications and more.

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Living Our Values Workshop

Once the values have been created, we can facilitate workshops inviting your wider workforce to explore the values and discover how they can use them in their individual roles and teams.

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Define Your Values Toolkit

Each participant takes away a comprehensive toolkit including all the frameworks, tools and resources used within the programme. You'll also receive an invite to join Creative Huddle Backstage, our free alumni portal for the thousands of people we see in our workshops each year.

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“Creative Huddle worked with us to decipher the National Space Centre's values. They asked the right questions throughout the whole process, and our team found them very easy to work with. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Creative Huddle. Their input was impartial, insightful and extremely valuable.”
Kersti Fourcin
Communications & Marketing Manager
National Space Centre

About our Programmes

Investing in one of our programmes represents a commitment to sustainable change. It's about embedding new practices and mindsets that will continue to influence your team positively long after our work together has concluded. Each element is designed to build upon the last, creating a robust framework for your team to operate within.

As with all our Programmes, you can purchase each element separately. However, we find that the full series is far more effective than standalone sessions, which is why we offer a significant discount when everything is booked as a complete package.

Team Workshop

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We work on many kinds of projects, for a wide variety of clients, with groups of any size. Get in touch today and find out how we can help.