Customer Focus

Know Your Customer

7 hours

Explore the needs and wants of your most important customers

This one-day workshop will help you dig into understanding your customers and their experience with you. You'll then focus on generating ideas and plans for taking action.
Part of our
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  • View things from the perspective of your customers
  • Identify opportunities to make improvements in customer experience
  • Brainstorm ideas for new approaches and initiatives
Know Your Customer

Delivery Partner

As experienced by these clients:
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In Detail

If your team needs to dive deeper into how it manages its customer experience, this workshop will help you achieve that.

We’ll start with understanding who your customers are, how they experience working with you and what the desired experience would be like. We'll work to achieve a holistic view of the customer experience, including all touchpoints and interactions.

Once this picture is clear we’ll move on to brainstorming ideas for improvements, building in time to complete quick wins there and then as well as building plans for further ideas to be progressed.

You’ll leave having already created momentum behind your ideas and with energy to make more happen.

Alignment on Goals & Priorities

Alignment on Goals & Priorities

Team alignment and understanding of goals and priorities, leading to improved collaboration and decision-making
Create New Solutions

Create New Solutions

Participants can consider new approaches or solutions to issues they identify, and take away tangible tasks and actions as a team.
Tangible Outputs & Action Steps

Tangible Outputs & Action Steps

A clear set of actions to be taken by the team after the workshop to continue improving performance.
“You have achieved so much. Your influence and training have resulted in outcomes that exceeded my hopes and expectations.”
Jenny Green
Founder & Director
AEL Outdoor Solutions


View a detailed agenda of this session. Click on each of the agenda items to read more.

In Detail

If your team needs to dive deeper into how it manages its customer experience, this workshop will help you achieve that.

We’ll start with understanding who your customers are, how they experience working with you and what the desired experience would be like. We'll work to achieve a holistic view of the customer experience, including all touchpoints and interactions.

Once this picture is clear we’ll move on to brainstorming ideas for improvements, building in time to complete quick wins there and then as well as building plans for further ideas to be progressed.

You’ll leave having already created momentum behind your ideas and with energy to make more happen.

Know Your Customer

About our workshops

The informality of our workshops enables participants to relax, express themselves freely and find common ground with others. This lends itself perfectly to ideation and team-building by encouraging positive interactions and idea sharing.

Team Workshop
Industry Experience

Industry Experience

We’re fast learners and can quickly learn about the ins and outs of your company and competitive landscape. We’re good with technical content, and our facilitators have broad experience working with many clients in a wide range of industries.
Bring Your Work

Bring Your Work

Our workshops are practical in nature, so to get the best results we encourage you to come armed with a few live projects or briefs, ready to apply our tools and methods to your work immediately during the session.
Expert Facilitation

Expert Facilitation

When the day comes, we’ll carefully and skilfully guide your participants through a series of sessions and discussions to achieve your aims. We design sessions to keep the engagement and energy high, making sure everyone gets the chance to contribute. We’ll wrap up with key points and actions, and can record everything in a report afterwards if required.

What exactly is a Talkshop?

We're glad you asked! Simply put, a Talkshop is a cross between a talk and a workshop. They're short, punchy, thought-provoking sessions. We take a key concept and explain it clearly, then help your team explore it together to understand how it can help them in their work.

Team Workshop
Industry Experience

Industry Experience

We’re fast learners and can quickly learn about the ins and outs of your company and competitive landscape. We’re good with technical content, and our facilitators have broad experience working with many clients in a wide range of industries.
Bring Your Work

Bring Your Work

Our workshops are practical in nature, so to get the best results we encourage you to come armed with a few live projects or briefs, ready to apply our tools and methods to your work immediately during the session.
Expert Facilitation

Expert Facilitation

When the day comes, we’ll carefully and skilfully guide your participants through a series of sessions and discussions to achieve your aims. We design sessions to keep the engagement and energy high, making sure everyone gets the chance to contribute. We’ll wrap up with key points and actions, and can record everything in a report afterwards if required.

Let's talk

We work on many kinds of projects, for a wide variety of clients, with groups of any size. Get in touch today and find out how we can help.