Innovation Skills

Understanding GPT

90 minutes

Learn how to use GPT to elevate your work and generate innovative ideas effortlessly.

Millions have recently tried out ChatGPT, the breakthrough AI that promises to change the way we work. Now, with GPT-4, these capabilities have increased even further. But what is GPT, and how can you use it to help you with your work?
Part of our
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  • Gain an understanding of what GPT is and how it works
  • Explore how to use GPT to generate creative ideas
  • Explore the potential of GPT to enhance your team's productivity and efficiency
Understanding GPT

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In Detail

GPT, or Generative Pre-trained Transformer, is an AI language model that has been pre-trained on vast amounts of data to generate high-quality text. It can be used for a variety of tasks, including generating content, summarising information, and answering questions.

One of the key benefits of GPT is its ability to assist with generating high-quality content quickly and effortlessly. People are using it to assist them in writing emails, reports, and articles, and to brainstorm ideas and generate new perspectives on a particular topic.

Throughout this workshop, we'll be exploring how GPT can be used to enhance creativity and efficiency in the workplace. We'll demonstrate how GPT can assist with generating innovative ideas and streamlining workflows, and we'll provide examples of how it can be used in different industries and work contexts.

By the end of this workshop, participants will have a better understanding of what GPT is and its potential applications in their work. They'll be able to start spotting opportunities for how GPT can benefit their company and enhance their productivity and creativity.

Understand External Factors

Understand External Factors

See what's shaping your results and how to position your team to respond. Identify opportunities and threats to inform new objectives and initiatives.
New Ideas

New Ideas

Fresh thinking might be needed to tackle some of your trickier objectives or most pressing problems.
Work More Effectively

Work More Effectively

Prioritise and schedule work together, focus intently and be a master of meetings and project planning.
“You have achieved so much. Your influence and training have resulted in outcomes that exceeded my hopes and expectations.”
Jenny Green
Founder & Director
AEL Outdoor Solutions


View a detailed agenda of this session

In Detail

GPT, or Generative Pre-trained Transformer, is an AI language model that has been pre-trained on vast amounts of data to generate high-quality text. It can be used for a variety of tasks, including generating content, summarising information, and answering questions.

One of the key benefits of GPT is its ability to assist with generating high-quality content quickly and effortlessly. People are using it to assist them in writing emails, reports, and articles, and to brainstorm ideas and generate new perspectives on a particular topic.

Throughout this workshop, we'll be exploring how GPT can be used to enhance creativity and efficiency in the workplace. We'll demonstrate how GPT can assist with generating innovative ideas and streamlining workflows, and we'll provide examples of how it can be used in different industries and work contexts.

By the end of this workshop, participants will have a better understanding of what GPT is and its potential applications in their work. They'll be able to start spotting opportunities for how GPT can benefit their company and enhance their productivity and creativity.

Understanding GPT

About our workshops

The informality of our workshops enables participants to relax, express themselves freely and find common ground with others. This lends itself perfectly to ideation and team-building by encouraging positive interactions and idea sharing.

Team Workshop
Real Examples

Real Examples

All our sessions and toolkits come with a variety of real-life examples from businesses of different sizes, from different industries. We analyse and explain how a selection of companies have carried out this work in the past and outline the resulting impact.
Full Engagement

Full Engagement

Our meetings and workshops get everyone collaborating equally and effectively to harness their collective strengths and make insightful contributions. They’re carefully designed experiences that help people of all kinds speak up, generate ideas, solve problems, share opinions and make decisions.
Bring Your Work

Bring Your Work

Our workshops are practical in nature, so to get the best results we encourage you to come armed with a few live projects or briefs, ready to apply our tools and methods to your work immediately during the session.

What exactly is a Talkshop?

We're glad you asked! Simply put, a Talkshop is a cross between a talk and a workshop. They're short, punchy, thought-provoking sessions. We take a key concept and explain it clearly, then help your team explore it together to understand how it can help them in their work.

Team Workshop
Real Examples

Real Examples

All our sessions and toolkits come with a variety of real-life examples from businesses of different sizes, from different industries. We analyse and explain how a selection of companies have carried out this work in the past and outline the resulting impact.
Full Engagement

Full Engagement

Our meetings and workshops get everyone collaborating equally and effectively to harness their collective strengths and make insightful contributions. They’re carefully designed experiences that help people of all kinds speak up, generate ideas, solve problems, share opinions and make decisions.
Bring Your Work

Bring Your Work

Our workshops are practical in nature, so to get the best results we encourage you to come armed with a few live projects or briefs, ready to apply our tools and methods to your work immediately during the session.